gan Gruffydd Meredith Anodd yw beio neu ddilorni dymuniad mewnfudwyr, boed yn gyfreithlon ai peidio, am chwilio am safon gwell

News and Opinion for Wales and all Other Sovereign Nations
gan Gruffydd Meredith Anodd yw beio neu ddilorni dymuniad mewnfudwyr, boed yn gyfreithlon ai peidio, am chwilio am safon gwell
An exclusive interview with Anna Bono by Daniel Moscardi writing for Gefira “The numbers just tell us that the overwhelming
by Gruffydd Meredith Guy Verhofstadt, recently gave a speech at the Liberal Democrats conference in Bournemouth, England, which launched into
by Gruffydd Meredith 1. The EU was started and supported by internationalist bankers right from the very start. 2. Robert