New party to end all all lockdowns and restrictions in Wales now and in the future to stand in Senedd elections

‘We The People’ Wales Group Publishes Charter For Democracy And Freedom, And For A Public Broadcaster Controlled By The People

Victory against facial recognition technology. Welsh civil rights campaigner and Liberty create history by winning case against south Wales police and their use of oppressive facial recognition technology

Unelected ‘Future Generations Commissioner for Wales’ tells us Artificial Intelligence and robots will take our jobs and will need equal rights consideration, toothbrushes and toilets will monitor our health, and we can look forward to 7G even though 5G mobile technology is already being banned around the world due to human and environmental health concerns

‘Resonance: Beings of Frequency’ investigates the claimed dangers of mobile phone technology and frequencies overload

Parents and citizens should not consent to the giving of experimental vaccines to 12-15 year olds in Wales and beyond

Ni ddylai plant a phobol ifanc dderbyn unrhyw frechlynnau arbrofol. Mae dyletswydd foesol arnom i warchod a diogelu cenedlaethau’r dyfodol ac i atal gormes peryglus rhag cydio yn ein byd

‘Children and young people shouldn’t be subjected to experimental vaccines. We have a moral duty to protect them and to stop this looming fascism from taking hold’

Rhesymau da iawn i beidio â chymryd brechlyn Covid ac i ymwrthod ac agenda gormesol ac awdurdodol Covid 19

Very good reasons not to take the Covid vaccine or to agree to further authoritarian lockdown lunacy

Forget Westminster, forget Brussels and forget the sham of globalism. Welsh, English and Scottish freedom awaits

Bullet point letter template to politicans / the media regarding stopping a tyrranical second Covid 19 lockdown

Y ‘Coronavirus Act 2020’ – deddf sydd angen ei wyrdroi cyn gynted a phosib er mwyn gwarchod ein rhyddid a’n hawliau dynol sylfaenol, rwan ac yn y dyfodol.

Beth yw Cywirdeb Gwleidyddol / Marcsiaeth Ddiwyllianol, beth yw ei bwrpas a pham ei fod yn beryglus i bawb