The No More Lockdowns party which stood in the recent Senedd elections are calling to stop children and young people from being pressurised or coerced to take any experimental Covid-19 vaccines and say that there is ‘a moral duty to protect children and young people and to stop this looming fascism from taking hold’
The party points out that as of March 2020, Public Health England and the UK government no longer consider Covid-19 to be a high consequence infectious disease in the UK. They also point out that the illness presently appears to be similar to any normal influenza/seasonal flue. They state:
“The illness presently appears to be similar to any normal influenza/seasonal flue. The median survival rate for Covid-19 is 99.77% according to the World Health Organisation. This is for a flue like illness that around 5-6% may get every year. This is not a pandemic as it presently stands. So why is this vaccine being pushed on all people including healthy people and children?”
The party also points how they believe that the vaccines are expertiemntal and have not had enough time to be properly tested:
“We have no idea what potentially harmful effects may result for all those who have taken them. This includes the unknowable risks associated with shedding, mRNA technology and mutations that many experts are warning about for those that have taken the experimental vaccines. This is deeply dangerous and unscientific and goes against the scientific precautionary principle. As expressed by numerous virologists and experts, the results of this experiment may well be catastrophic for humanity.”
The party goes on to comment that any coercement or potential mandatory pushing of vaccines are also unlawful, contravening internationally agreed protocols such as the Nuremburg code designed to prevent governments ever repeating medical atrocities practised in the past.
They also state that the right to personal choice has to be protected and that the pushing of experimental vaccines on people without warning them of the potential harmful effects and without having their informed consent also contravenes the Hippocratic oath of ethics taken by medical professionals.
The party believes that the younger generations have to be protected from any experimental vaccines, adding:
“Many adults have chosen to take these experimental vaccines but we can stop the younger generations from being pressurised to take them without being able to make their own informed choice. We have a moral duty to warn of the dangers and to encourage parents to protect their children from the taking of any experimental substance.”
The party also asks people to do further research in to the globalist aspects they believe are using Covid-19 to try and bring in a technocratic medical, technological and pharmalogical form of fascism to much of the world and ask readers to research the Great Reset, Agenda 21 and Agenda 2030 in order to try and understand the bigger picture.
It’s already being implied by governments that there will be more lockdowns/restrictions in the coming months or even years. Up to 3 million Covid marshals could be in place until 2023 despite alleged plans to end restrictions this year.
The party believe that the push-back against this globalist agenda has started, adding:
“It’s time for non politicians to do politics and to be their own media. It’s time for we the people to say ‘We do not consent’. If we don’t stop this media driven tyranny there won’t be any liberty or future for Wales and its people or for any other people. The priority now must be to stop all governments from carrying out yet more draconian lockdowns in the months or years to come, and reverse restrictions that have been laid down by the corrupt, clueleess law makers. And to stop the experimental vaccines and draconian passports which will take humanity to a very dark place unless stopped.”