‘Stop The Lockdown’: ‘ We The People’ Campaign Group Create Letter Template To Send To Politicians With Evidence That Lockdown Is ‘Now Unwarranted’

Welsh campaign group ‘We The People’ have created a letter template that anyone can send to their political representative urging them to bring the current lockdown to an end.

The group provide what they describe as “overwhelming evidence that such measures are now unwarranted” and also state that they “feel duty bound to inform democratic representatives or any other official arguing for the persistent lock-down despite the overwhelming evidence that such measures are unwarranted, damaging to our society, economy and well-being, will have to be held accountable for their actions in the future.”

The group also adds that “Sensible precautions can of course still be taken in terms of protecting and isolating those especially sensitive to any illness or infection during this  period.”

The group is sending the below message out to politicians, urging them to reconsider the evidence.

Others also interested are invited to either send this letter below to their representative or another longer version with further evidence which can be seen on the We The People site. Citizens can adapt and edit their letters accordingly.

See the letter template below:


“Dear representative,

I’m sure you would agree that he current coronavirus bill Wales and its restriction of personal liberty is very worrying. The effects of shutting down our economy and destroying livelihoods and businesses will be with us for generations. This is why it is vitally important that the approach in tackling the pandemic is grounded in a firm scientific basis which includes eminent specialists in the field, not simply ‘government advisors’.

Having spent the last month researching the coronavirus outbreak both here in Wales and around the world, having listened to, read, and corresponded with many of the most prominent specialists in virology and disease control, the picture that emerges is that not only is the lock-down unnecessary, but could very well amplify the effects of the disease, resulting in a greater death toll in the long run.

In addition to that, damaging our economy and people’s livelihoods will bring a host of other problems, increased depression, drug addiction and suicides to name just a few.

In order to make an informed decision on the 15th and/or 16th of April when the lock-down measures are to be reviewed, I feel compelled to make you aware of the following facts.

By being aware of the facts about coronaviruses and viral infections, (as opposed to tabloid spin) you will hopefully be able to make a more balanced and informed decision.

All facts and observations made below are not my personal opinion but the view of professional bodies and experts in the field of virology and disease control. Links are supplied so you can verify and do your own research.

Fact 1:

SARS-CoV-2 (a coronavirus that causes COVID-19) is no more (or not much more) dangerous than the common flu (infuenza).

As of 19 March 2020, COVID-19 is also no longer considered to be a high consequence infectious diseases (HCID) in the UK. Please see link below:


In all-cause mortality levels in up to 24 European countries or regions of countries, death numbers are not higher than previous peaks in deaths as seen in recent years and the numbers involved are not considered excessive. In fact according to Euro Momo they are lower than other peaks seen in recent years.

Please see link below:

The ONS figures also show that death rates in Britain have, in fact, been declining since the start of the year and are below average figures.

Please see link below:



Fact 2:

The recording of COVID-19 deaths are being inflated. Distinction between those dying with COVID-19 and of COVID-19 are seemingly blurred, breaking established medical protocols. This gives an incorrect assessment of danger that this virus poses.

The below quote comes from UK government guidance for doctors giving cause of death certificates. The report is titled ‘Guidance for doctors completing Medical Certificates of Cause of Death in England and Wales’:

Please see PDF here (above quote is on page 3-4):


Fact 3:

The only cure for COVID-19 is devolving herd immunity. The lock-down measures imposed are frustrating the decline and eradication of the virus and will lead to the plague lasting longer, possibly with a higher death toll.

In a 40-minute interview, the internationally renowned epidemiology professor Knut Wittkowski from New York explains that the measures taken on Covid19 are all counterproductive. Instead of social distancing“, school closures, lock down“, mouth masks, mass tests and vaccinations, life must continue as undisturbed as possible and immunity must be built up in the population as quickly as possible.

Pleas see video below:


Fact 4:

SARS-CoV-2 (Covid 19) is not as contagious as the common flu.

The COVID-19 factsheet from WHO says that this new coronavirus is in fact 50% slower to spread than Influenza a.k.a. common flu.

Pleas see link below:



Fact 5:

Statistics show that the COVID-19 crises was over before the lock-down was imposed

Please see video below:



In summary

As politicians with a lawful duty of care to the people of Wales I ask that you take sufficient time to review the information backed by links to sources in this letter and do your part to stop this madness.

I feel duty bound to inform you that democratic representatives or any other official arguing for the persistent lock-down despite the overwhelming evidence that such measures are unwarranted, damaging to our society, economy and well-being,will have to be held accountable for their actions in the future.

We urge you to lift lock-down on 15th/16th April and return life back to normal so as to defeat COVID-19 without delay and minimise the damage already caused by these measures.

Sensible precautions can of course still be taken in terms of protecting and isolating those especially sensitive to illness and infection during this period.

I hope that the information contained here will help you make a more informed decision on COVID-19 in Wales and the appropriate steps one must take take to ensure the best outcomes for the nation as a whole.

I wish you well in these troubling times.

Kind regards,
Concerned citizen”


You can find your Welsh Parliament member here: https://www.assembly.wales/en/memhome/Pages/memhome.aspx

You can find your UK Parliament member here: https://members.parliament.uk/constituencies/

A number of  petitions to stop the Corona Virus bill that was recently rushed through the UK Parliament are now appearing online and also gaining a groundswell of support – one of which can be seen and signed here.

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