The president of the Italian Higher National Institute of Health has announced that the number of deaths that may be directly linked to coronavirus are very low in comparison to what the mainstream media has reported.
Speaking at a press conference on March 13th, Silvio Brusaferro claimed that the number of deaths that may be directly related to the corona may have been as little as 0.8% of overall deaths – as little as two people at the time of the announcement. And even these low numbers have not yet been properly assessed.
Regarding others that have sadly died he appears to suggest that these had other very serious traditional diseases that they could have died from whether corona is believed to be a contrubitory factor or not. Figures also show that the median age of those who die is 80.5. This new information has also been partly correctly reported on some mainstream news sites such as Bloomberg.
Silvio Brusaferro’s statement can be seen in the video below – English and other languages can be seen by clicking the settings cog, then ‘subtitles’, then ‘auto translate’.
According to Agenzia Nova, the Italian Institute of Health have since then updated this figure to 12 deaths from corona without having any other pathogens. In comparison The Guardian has reported this number as at least 2,158 whilst Reuteurs appears to report a figure of 2,503 by the Civil Protection Agency. The mail online also gives a figure of 2,503 for Italy.
An increasing number of people are questioning this contradictory information and asking how a country of 60 million can be locked down based on such small fatality numbers. Many are also increasingly concerned about the totalitarian dangers involved.
The National Institute of Health is an Italian public institution that, as the leading technical-scientific body of the Italian National Health Service performs research, trials, control, counseling, documentation and training for public health.
The following was also reported on the Italian Agenzia Nova news site from from Rome, on the 13th of March and also covered on writer Jon Rappoport’s site:
“There may be only two people who died from coronavirus in Italy, who did not present other pathologies. This is what emerges from the medical records examined so far by the Higher Institute of Health, according to what was reported by the President of the Institute [Istituto Superiore di Sanità (ISS), Italian National Institute of Health], Silvio Brusaferro, during the press conference held today at the Civil Protection in Rome. ‘Positive deceased patients have an average of over 80 years – 80.3 to be exact…The majority of these people are carriers of chronic diseases. Only two people were not presently carriers of [other non-COV] diseases’, but even in these two cases, the examination of the files is not concluded and therefore, causes of death different from Covid-19 could emerge. The president of the ISS has specified that ‘little more than a hundred medical records’ have so far come from hospitals throughout Italy.”
“…At present, in fact, the authorities are unable to distinguish those who died from the virus, from those who, on the other hand, are communicated daily to the public, but who were mostly carriers of other serious diseases and who, therefore, would not have died from Covid-19. In response to a question from ‘Agenzia Nova’, in fact, Brusaferro was unable to indicate the exact number of coronavirus deaths. However, the professor clarified that, according to the data analyzed, the vast majority of the victims ‘had serious [non-COV] pathologies and in some cases the onset of an infection of the respiratory tract can lead more easily to death.’ To clarify this point, and provide real data, ‘as we acquire the folders we will go further. However, the populations most at risk are fragile, carriers of multiple diseases’.”
As the table above indicates, to give some further perspective, in 2009 and late 2010, the swine flu is estimated to have infected 700 million – 1.4 billion people around the world and killed between 151,700 and 575,400 people. Rabies, cholera, malaria, yellow fever, meningitis and seasonal flue also result in the deaths of far more people than the conflicting figures being given about corona – all the above occur or have occured without the present disproportionate hysteria and threat to liberty.