Defence Expert Explains How The UK Government Is Giving Away Its State Defence and Security To The EU Regardless Of Brexit

Successive UK governments are intent on ‘giving away’ the defence and security independence of the UK state after agreeing to a EU Defence Union regardless of what happens with Brexit.

According to defence expert David Ellis, speaking at the annual 2019 Alternative View Conference, the policy of a EU Defence Union is not simply about defence, but is a key pillar of a fully federal EU, alongside Monetary Union, Fiscal Union, Banking Union, Energy Union and a Tax Union.

This is intended to be about a single point of command and control, and the ability of the EU, for the first time, to express an interventionist foreign policy of its own, with Africa believed to be firmly in the cross-hairs. According to Mr Ellis, the defence agreement also known as the EU’s Common Security and Defence Policy (CSDP), will also include transferring the UK GCHQ to be under the same central EU agreement.

Although the roots of this idea go back to 1948, the idea came to fruition under Tony Blair’s leadership in the year 2000, with Theresa May carrying on the plans and Boris Johnson also seeming to adopt the policy in the same way – with oddly no mention of it in the Brexit discussions or the general election campaign. It would seem that the Conservative government in Westminster remain pro EU whilst pretending otherwise and going through the motions in terms of being in favour of Brexit and having a strong  ‘get out of the EU’ stance.

The Panavia Tornado – The First European joint built, joint manufactured aircraft.

The people of the countries of Europe and the countries of the UK have had no democratic say over this idea which in effects gives away all military and security powers to a higher authority without anyone knowing or having a say in the matter. This is the principle millions of people gave their lives to stop in the first and second world war especially – to stop totalitarianism and an undemocratic centralised power grab and the likely resulting horrific miltary and paramilitary ramifications that such a power grab usually entails.

Federica Mogherini, High Representative of the European Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy and Vice-President of the European Commission

Many are increasingly suggesting this might be a good time for Welsh, English and Scottish governments, together with the relevant military personnel, to come together to discuss how this can be stopped, and how military and defence powers can be devolved between the nations of Britain to avoid such centralised corruption and failure in future.

In the meantime, this plan isn’t completely in its place and there is time to put an end to it. Suggested measures would be to start informing your MP and MEP of the plan and of your concerns, informing your local and national press and generally shining a light on what truly goes on in the corridors of power.

The coat of arms of the European Union Military Committee – a crucial part of the EU Defence Union



David Ellis is director of Strategic Defence Initiatives, a defence policy research consultancy and lobbying organisation. He has been campaigning to raise awareness of Britain’s involvement in the EU Defence Union programme with MPs, Lords, the industry and serving and retired military personnel. He has been working for the past three years with the UK Column

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