New York shuts down tenth school as the Jewish orthodox community refuses to allow MMR vaccines for their children

New York has shut down the tenth Jewish Orthodox school over vaccine refusal by the parents

The mayor of New York Bill DeBlasio ordered all New Yorkers to get the MMR shot. But the Jewish Orthodox community has refused and has chosen to instead accept getting their schools shut down.

De Blasio recently declared a public health emergency over the measles outbreak in Brooklyn’s Haredi Orthodox community. De Blasio ordered unvaccinated people living in four ZIP codes in the Williamsburg neighborhood to get the vaccine or be required to pay fines of up to $1,000.

There is opposition within the Haredi communities based on claims that vaccines are ineffective at best and harmful at worst. Many Muslims are also refusing to allow their children to have the MMR vaccine over safety and other concerns.

The story has gone under the mainstram media radar.

There have been similar concerns expressed in Wales in recent years as the media created ‘measles hysteria’, and wrongly announced reported measles cases as confirmed cases.

Many commentators are saying that everybody used to get measles, mumps and chicken pox and that these just used to be considered normal diseases of childhood that got you out of school for a couple of weeks, and gave you lifetime immunity.

Other groups such as Informed Parent and Arnica provide proper scrutiny and informed, evidence based discussion on vaccines and the enforced vaccine programmes.





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